Are Black Women Only Submissive to the Democrat Party? | Larry Elder for President? | CRT?

1 year ago

Larry Elder discusses the idea that black women are only submissive to the Democrat Party. He also raises the idea that the Breakfast Club was a documentary about the experience of black people in America and that it shows the power of the Democrat Party. Finally, he discusses the theory of Critical Race Theory and how it applies to the current political landscape.
#larryelder #thebreakfastclub #breakfastclub
These are all interesting topics to discuss, and we hope you enjoy this video. Larry Elder has some strong opinions on these matters, and we wanted to let you know about them. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to let us know in the comments section below!
#president #larryelder
Larry Elder went on the Breakfast Club and 3 women attacked him for running for President.
15:00 @DonaldJTrumpforPresident goes to jail.
40:00 Systemic Racism.
42:00 @BreakfastClubPower1051FM 2 minutes of a BW being Disrespectful.
52:00 Learn how to control your Lower parts
57:00 Why are black men trash men?
1:05:00 Society has changed women.
1:13:00 How do you think the modern wife will look in the future?
1:15:00 Why do people think relationships should be easy?
1:18:00 women treat their relationship like their job and their job like their relationship.
1:35:00 Final Thoughts
1:38:00 This woman need a new baby daddy.
1:42:00 Black men will buy that
2:03:00 Final Thought.

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