Please help us save our friend - John Yost

1 year ago

Hello — my name is Nathaniel Yost, and I am writing on behalf of my family. I cannot describe to you how incredibly difficult this is to talk about. No one could have told us that my family and I would be in this position especially since it does not run on my father's side of the family. Prior to setting up this GoFundMe, my dad wanted to make sure that he had his thoughts in order. Because the pain is quite debilitating, he spoke this next part to us so we could write it down for this purpose. Please read through the following text as it did take him some time to relay it to us. It is all from the perspective of my father – John Yost:

In April of this year, when I heard the news that my youngest son Nathaniel and his beautiful wife Emily found out that they were going to have their first child, I cried happy tears, knowing that my granddaughter from my eldest son John and his wife Samantha would have someone to grow up with. Lisa, my spouse of 30 years, and I were overjoyed!

I had no idea that a few days later, I would be given a death sentence by my doctor: Pancreatic Cancer, arguably the second-most deadly cancer in the world.

Prognosis: 11 months to live...or...chemotherapy for four months and surgery to remove my spleen, pancreas, and gall bladder. I would be an instant Type 1 diabetic and on insulin and vaccines for the rest of my life which would most likely be only 2-3 years. You see, over 80% of the people who survive these procedures, develop new tumors within that time.

At only 56 years old – I was crushed and terrified. I would never get to see my grandkids even enter kindergarten, let alone graduate from high school. There would be no report cards, first dates, or proms. Would they even remember me?

There were lots and lots of tears, prayers, anger, and frustration.

The healthcare system met all of my family's concerns with the callous refrain that: all roads lead to surgery and that unfortunately, there were no cures – they were in the business of trying to extend life and if...if I survived the 10-12 hour surgery without contracting an infection...I might be able to last long enough to hear my newest grandchild say their first words – maybe.

It was all too much for me. I'm not proud of this, but I broke down. How the hell could this be?! I was active, at a good weight, and my profession was just starting to pay off – why was this happening to me?

When my mind finally cleared, (I don't know if you've heard of “cancer-brain,” when you just shut down because of the emotional overload that this type of news causes – but I assure you that it's a real thing!), I knew that in this day and age that there had to be a better way.

I found it! Envita Medical Center.

They have a twenty-year, successful track record of winning against late-stage cancer by using a combination of cutting-edge immunotherapies combined with daily, targeted micro-dosed chemotherapy delivered directly into the tumor via a hair-thin catheter. They destroy the cancer from the inside out without harming the rest of the body's cells!

Not only can I see my grandkids grow up, but I can also do it standing on my own two feet without palliative care or the horror of hospice.

Here are my challenges:
• I live in Pennsylvania - their clinic is in Arizona
• The treatments are daily for twelve weeks
• My treatment begins on July 6th
• The treatments are expensive – much too expensive for me and my wife.

This brings me back to: I need your help to save my life.

My wife and I simply do not have the funds – Please help me...please.

Itemized costs:

Flights for my wife and myself from PA to AZ
Housing for three (3) months
Rental Car for three (3) months
Meals for three (3) months
Medicines and Immunotherapy supplements for three (3) months
Treatment at the Envita Medical Center for three (3) months
Loss of regular income for three (3) months

The funds donated will be used towards all of the aforementioned costs.

I'm coming to you scared, broken-hearted, and desperately in need. I don't have a right to ask but I have to ask, I need your help to save my life.

Please help me.

John Yost

As you can see from my father's message, there is a light. He doesn't need to leave so early. Help him stay with his family. Help him continue his purpose. Selfishly, help my father meet his new grandchild. Please help save my dad.

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