High Strangeness: A lifetime of Alien & Paranormal Encounters, Michael Kameron - TSP#778

1 year ago

Michael is a lifelong Contactee/Experiencer. He had also written an incredible book called "High Strangeness: A Lifetime of Alien & Paranormal Encounters" here's a link... ⁠Amazon.com: High Strangeness: A Lifetime of Alien & Paranormal Encounters (Audible Audio Edition): Michael Kameron, Chris Robinson, Flying Disk Press: Books⁠ Michael Kameron was just an ordinary person who experienced both sides of the paranormal, from alien abductions to encountering strange, mystical beings, stretching back from his childhood right through to his adult life. Having been brought up in the backdrop of a stringent Roman Catholic Irish community in the East-End of London in the 1970s, it was unthinkable that such unexpected, supernatural encounters could exist at all. He lived in a house plagued by poltergeist activity, encountering spectral visitations from hooded figures.

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😎✔Michael Kameron on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079496593671

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