What happened to the missions Chandrayaan 1 and Chandrayaan 2 before Chandrayaan 3?

1 year ago

Chandrayaan 3 is scheduled to land on earth's surface on 23 August. But, what happened to the prior mission of Chandrayaan? In this video we will discuss about the Chandrayaan 1 and Chandrayaan 2 mission alongwith Chandrayaan 3. Watch the video to know more detail.

#IndiaMoonmission #ISRO #NASA #Moonlanding #Spaceexploration #Moonlandingday #Earthscience #Watercycle #Floodforecasting #Droughtmonitoring #Watermanagement #Civilengineering #NationalWeatherService #AlaskaDepartmentofTransportation #UniversityofOregon #UniversityofNorthCarolina #NationalSecurity #DepartmentofDefense #LouisianaCoastalProtectionandRestorationAgency #VandenbergSpaceForceBase #California #CanadianSpaceAgency #UKSpaceAgency #JPL #Caltech #PasadenaCalifornia #FernRidgeLake #Waterinfrastructure #Coastalprotection #MississippiRiverDelta

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