Gang-stalking in Action : The TikTok Edition on YouTube

1 year ago

Live videos depicting instances of gang-stalking experienced by me, your host, E. I. Smith. All of the videos will be derived from my TikTok page.

The gangstalkers are federally assisted by ground-level liaisons that give them covert verbal, gestural, vehicular, and other signals as to where targets are located so that other gangstalkers in the area can find and confront the targeted persons. This death panel authorization mechanism is rooted in coward theocratic and aloof, stupid, and inept governmental ideals.

• The United States Congress is the root and cause of this anti-liberty brand of anti-constitutional Thuggery and should be impeached as a whole so as to remedy this political atrocity.
• The United States Federal Government has Authorized, Implemented, and Financed State-sanctioned Terrorism, Murder, Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault, Community Harassment, and Workplace Mobbing against its Own Citizens ; The Post September 11, 2001 Legislative Thuggery Debacle :::::
• Aside from Congress’ ineptitude, legislative illiteracy, spinelessness, political degeneracy, and legal thuggery, The state and local legislatures of all fifty states have legislatively sustained Congress’ legislative incompetence by signing off on earmark laden national security protocols that have strengthened, emboldened, and reinforced gangstalking, the thuggish anti-freedom American national security bill.

• The Gangstalkers are a nationwide thug military unit. The hierarchy that they follow and live by is a nauseating political problem. The Congress of the United States of America has authorized a mobile gulag, a democracy negating political catastrophe, and a national embarrassment all in the quick stroke of a pen.

• The Gangstalking mechanism is one for the ages with respect to its anthropologically illiterate pretenses, its legislative stoogery, and its constitutional failure. Cronyism is the new law in America, and gangstalking is the military industrial barrier that protects that cronyism. The thugs that perpetrate gangstalking activity when they are out and about are as bad as the thuggish federal, state, and local politicians who blindly and foolishly sign off on it term after term. The United States Federal Government ought to pack it in, declare itself a banana republic, and sell its territory to more capable nations.

• Gangstalking: The United States Federal Government’s Thuggish Chain Reaction Disruption Protocol
• Gangstalking is a post September 11, 2001 disruption protocol gone haywire. It is obnoxious in its execution, ineffective in its aims, and deleterious in its composition.

• This thuggish, federally authorized containment, disruption, tracking, and confrontation protocol is useless as a national security measure, which was its reason for existing. Rather than serve as a constitutionally sound surveillance protocol, it has manifested as a legalized thuggery device, the likes of which has rendered the United States Federal Government, its auxiliaries, and its thug gangstalking participants as treasonous, hostile, petty, homicidal lunatics. The lunacy of this program begs the suspension of disbelief to comprehend.

• The thuggish noise harassment that the thug Gangstalkers use to “mark” or “point out” targeted individuals to other stalkers leads to those other stalkers being mobilized towards the derived noise and the target, and once they arrive, they engage in thuggish, apelike, and degenerate annoyance activities that are tantamount to juvenile thuggery.

• The thuggishly derived chain reaction that gangstalking produces is a direct result of thuggish, inept, and incompetent congressional national legislation that was hurried through the ratification process by frightened post 9/11/2001 politicians.
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• Gangstalking is the Thug United States Federal Government’s Undeclared War on Unsuspecting United States Citizens all Day Every Day 24/7/365.

• Gangstalking is a war; make no mistake about it. The federally authorized thug units (gangstalkers) are soldiers. The maniac vehicular motorists are tank operators. The spitting, snot or mucous slinging, wind breaking, booger flinging, feces throwing, hot breath breathing, urine spraying, food contaminating, pandering thug knuckleheads are The United States Federal Government’s biohazard, disease warfare, biological warfare attack squadron. The covert pepper spraying, mace carrying, battery acid tossing homicidal degenerate animals are this country’s urban warfare chemical weapons attack unit. The pieces of federal garbage that take signals on the beaches and in the water as to who to confront with space crowding and attempted drowning mechanisms are America’s federally financed ocean thug attack battalion. The idiots that make false police reports and make phony 911 calls on targeted individuals

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