A.I. Cargo Drone - Space Engineers - Automatons Tutorial

1 year ago

I tried to explain the Automations update blocks and discovered that it was a far lengthier process than I anticipated. Hopefully, the explanation and diagrams are helpful and empower you to make your creations overly elaborate though the use of many small steps.

This world should work as intended without any additional setup or replotting the drone waypoints. Try it out and dissect as necessary for your learning endeavors.

This is just the grids attached together. The waypoints do not transfer from blueprints. You will have to set up your waypoints again if you copy/paste the grids, change the reference beacons, alter the waypoints…etc. I recommend 1) At the docked location in the correct orientation, 2) Directly away from that docked position (These connectors are vertically orientated and the second way point is away from the connector and far enough to clear any obstacles. DO NOT change the ship facing direction) 3) Perpendicular to the flight path drawn by the previous two points. (This docking sequence sets a path away and above the landing area to allow the cargo drone to path successfully to the landing area. Back up from the previous waypoints. DO NOT change the ship facing direction.)

My solutions are different from the one in the Automations trailer and the guidance from Keen and the use of the A.I. blocks to achieve similar results. Check that guide out here: https://www.spaceengineersgame.com/new-players/grid-ai-guide/

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Authur C. Clarke

GIMP Wire Frame Tutorial

Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive.

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