Dream, but Don’t Make Dreams Your Master.

1 year ago

Good evening everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Church.

We are in a continual process of being changed into the image of Jesus Christ.

This month we are discussing Jacob’s son Joseph, I have titled this series “Lessons from Joseph.”

Today’s message is titled Dream, but Don’t Make Dreams Your Master.

Joseph, like Jacob, stands out as one of the most interesting and exciting characters of the Old Testament.

All but one of Joseph’s brothers were born of different mothers, making for a diversity of interest and intensely competitive spirit among the brothers and ultimately leading to hostility.

The tension between Joseph and his brothers is reminiscent of the conflict between Jacob and Esau.

Even though Jacob and Esau had their differences, in the end they seemed to have become reconciled to the point that they did not seek to harm one another.

Joseph, on the other hand, remained a possible threat to his brothers, at least in their minds, until the very end.

Although he had forgiven them and given them positions of privilege in Egypt, they feared that after their father died Joseph would retaliate for the evil they had done to him.

Today’s Scripture reading concerns Joseph’s early years.

God had given him several meaningful dreams, and he boldly reported them to his family.

Even though we recognise that Joseph was chosen of God for a great mission, he was still a human being, and we are not irreverent to point out certain signs of his immaturity.

Until next time

Stay in the Blessings

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