When GOD Does A New Thing. (Isaiah 32:3-4)

1 year ago

We all are after, wanting for, or looking for something new. In the world it becomes "Keeping up with the Jones's" and nobody wins at that game. As the country preacher once said, "If the grass is greener on the other side, water your own damn lawn." Rather than looking after the world's new, seek after HIS New, a new that won't come and go as another fad. Baggy jeans were in, then skinny, now they are again. Hawaiian was out, then in, then out, corsets, heels, bellbottoms, nothing changes in a world that is obsessed with same and calling it new; a world that repeats the same thing day in and day out and expects something new to happen. That's insanity. The Only New comes from The One Who Makes All Things New. A New Thing blossoming from a New Creation that was bold enough to humble and be called HIS.

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