#Leadboilers 2024 \\ LINTHWAITE DISTRICT \\ The COLNE VALLEY#yorkshire #gala #uk

1 year ago

A Time of Civil War
Great Britain was besieged by a Civil War during the
mid 1600’s, between The Royalists and the
partnership of English Parliamentarians and
Scottish Covenanters. The city of York was a desired
strong-hold for both camps and The Battle of
Marston Moor in 1644 became a watershed moment
for the rise of Commander Oliver Cromwell of the
Parliamentarians who defeated the Royalists and
sent them backtracking south.
The Musketeers
Musketeer soldiers used to roam the Pennine Hills,
guarding the King’s land and livestock in the Colne
Valley Hills. They used lead shot in their muskets,
which was similar in size to peas.
The Linfiters
Linfiters were peasant farm workers who struggled
to make ends meet and largely lived in fear of the
Royalist or Cromwell’s guards, raiding the villages
looking for conscripts for their armies.
The Booty
Linfiters scoured the hills for spent musket lead shot
so they could make ends meet and sell the lead to
feed their families. They no doubt got it wherever
they could.
The Cauldron
Resources were scarce but most of the villagers had
access to Cauldron’s for cooking.
The Boiling
Linfiters had no idea about how to melt the
lead shot down. They presumed that because
the balls were the size of peas, they could be
melted down in boiling water and thus the
Leadboiler name was born

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