MAKEOVER! "Donate My Hair to Children With Hairloss," by Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy®

7 years ago

Subscribe : - Visit Website : - Ann had seen me on Oprah many years ago and had waited for as long to finally come in for a makeover. She was donating her hair to Children With Hairloss having donated to Locks of Love 3 time prior. Kami Kleven did a natural casual makeup lesson and we kept her naturally beautiful silver hair.

Ann: Ann.
Robert (behind camera): Ann, how did you hear about us?
Ann: Through Oprah a long time ago.
I've been wanting to do this for a very long time.
Christopher: I'm thinking in here somewhere, but-
Ann: I'm going to donate it to children with hair loss.
Christopher: That look in my ... How much do you have to donate?
Ann: 8 1/2 inches.
Christopher: Are you having any anxiety? Do you take any medication?
Ann: No, I've done this before, 3 times.
Christopher: Okay.
Ann: This is my 4th time. Yeah, that's a nice length.
Christopher: Dead protein to send other people to stick on their head.
Speaker 4: I am setting the eyeliner that I used to put in between her eyelashes so her eyelashes end up looking more full without it looking like a thick eyeliner line.
Robert (behind camera): Great.
Speaker 4: This way you set it so as she's blinking it won't smudge around.
Christopher: The product we used just gave it so much volume. It doesn't even look like the same hair. We want her to grow the front out a little bit. She can wear it wavy or blown out smooth.
Ann: Kids who don't have hair for some medical reason.
Oh my gosh. Totally different than what I had before. Very, very happy.
My daughter also donated her hair.
I had wanted to go longer, but then Christoper had suggested going shorter and I'm so glad that he did.
Robert (behind camera): You look 10 years younger.
Ann: Thank you.
Robert (behind camera): You're feeling worse. Asking you to wish.
Ann: Thank you.
Robert (behind camera): All right.

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