CHALLENGE "AUTHORITY!" CUDOS to Nick Sortor! For doing what MORE PEOPLE need to do!

1 year ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on feeling some vindication listening to ALL the people RIGHTLY pointing fingers at "Authority" for the Abusers of "Power" they ARE! Something I and Many people did as Children, teens for decades and decades ago to Abusers at "home" and were Criminalized for!
I have tried speaking about the Abusive "family" for 5 DECADES, Studied child abuse, dysfunctional relationships, what HEALTHY relationships are Supposed to function like and for people to Acknowledge the dysfunction and abuse and RAISE THE BAR!
They DIDN'T DO IT! The Dysfunction has perpetuated.
Nick Sortor RIGHTLY got in the Face of the "Official", mayoral candidate Richard Bissen, AND in the face of some Maui PD GOON while trying to find out the # of Children's live lost!
And the Abuser in "Authority" is always protected by Cowards, like I lived since 1970.
EXPOSED video, They're IN ON IT.
Then reading the Pdf of The Ultimate Evil by Maury Terry and the SonS of Sam who Also got shot down for pushing the NYPD to look for more than ONE shooter!
I RIGHTLY challenged "Authority" since I was a child then teen in the late 70's early 80s and the Abuser in "authority" was ALWAYS excused and enabled and the Healthy truth teller was shut down, silenced, gaslit! THAT"S WHY and HOW Sociopaths are "leaders" today!
STAND UP TO "AUTHORITY"! It's your RIGHT! To challenge them! If they Can't take it, then they're FRAUDS!

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