Is This An End Of An Era? Or Will You Be Fooled Twice?

1 year ago

Something energetic changed recently.

I 100% felt the potential that we could shift out of this timeline and end this era of control and domination by the power elites. It felt beautiful. It felt light.

And then as if to answer that they rolled out their plan to bring back face nappies and lock everyone in their homes again AND they re-enacted a Lemurian Timeline of death and destruction. An Electric War.

The difference this time, is that we are witnessing it consciously (because so many more people are awake now) and we can see what they're doing.

We can see how they offer up a timeline potential for us to engage with... but they can only create that using OUR ENERGY.

If we don't engage with it, it could all end tomorrow. It could become the end of an era because we're taking our power back and they can no longer control us.

All of the power lies WITHIN US.

The choice is ours now. Will you be fooled twice?

Karen is an Energy and PsychoSpiritual Coach, Soul Purpose Guide, Multidimensional Healer and Teacher. 

For over 25 years she has taught all aspects of psychic development, healing, meditation, channelling and mediumship. 

She has developed her own modality - Multidimensional Hypnotherapy - as well as a Quantum Visioning Process which produce profound results and literally bends time and space.

She is a Lightbody Technology Specialist and maintains direct communication with the Source and the Founding Races of this planet. 

She has been a Speaker at Spiritual Festivals and Events around Australia and has conducted mass healing and activations for hundreds of people at a time. 

She mostly works with spiritual women, empowering them to become the best version of themselves that they can be by becoming authentic in all aspects of their life and she encourages all of us to uncover our own unique gifts and talents and to share them with the world. 

FB Group: Awake. Aware. Sovereign and Free:

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