The Kahalewai ʻOhana is the true definition of Aloha.

1 year ago

The Kahalewai ʻOhana is the true definition of Aloha.
They took in over 10 ʻOhanas most of whom they’ve never knew before the fires. They set-up a community hub and became a place to pick-up & drop-off donations for all displaced. They’re even hosting an ʻohana of volunteers whom traveled here from Alaska. Everything is organized and comfortable. The aloha they share..made me want to stay as well!
This is coming from me- the reality is they along with many others Maui people housing and caring for our displaced ʻohanas will undoubtedly see electric, water and other utility bills increase. I am asking if anyone has the means to donate towards this while housing our displaced please venmo Kayla Kahalewai

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