How To Wire Mini Split Replacing the Cover

1 year ago

The boys are replacing the cover for 1 head of mini split system they are installing.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Once you have the 5 and 12 pin in
00:30 The black connector does nothing for you
00:50 It's a little bit hard to do by yourself
01:30 Need to put the metal cover back on
01:45 Need to make sure the wires are in the little hole
02:20 Put all the screws back in
02:40 Now for the hard part
03:35 There you go

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#WiringMiniSplit #Electrical #DIYInstall

Once you’ve got your five pin and I think it’s a 12 pin, you have to put your cover back on. But you can't because the wires obstruct. We’ve got the fan on going right now. Everything is working. If everything works correctly this black connector does nothing for you. So what you have got to do is you got to remove this little hook here goes into a screw. The screws have a tendency to want to stick but they’ll fall out eventually, just take them out.

It's a little bit hard to do by yourself. Trust me. I know. Especially put it back up, getting it down is pretty easy. That one was sticky. All right. Let’s move this out of the way.

Now we got to put our metal cover back on. The thing with the metal cover. Firstly, you don't want to shock yourself, but we got to make sure these wire this whole is right. What I do is put it like that. Put a screw on it with a screw gun. And you put all your screws back in. Remember this one over here. There’s one right here. Get the other screw.

Now, the hard part of the easy part, believe it or not. It’s really hard to get this. You got to use both your hands. You got to use a screw gun. It might be easier for a screwdriver. Hold it up there, find your hole. By yourself it’d be really hard. There you go, now just hook it up like we showed you. Don't worry about this wire.

There you go.

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