Walls Come Crumbling Down

1 year ago

"Our future cannot depend on the government alone. The ultimate solutions lie in the attitudes and the actions of the American people."

- Joe Biden

For the average person, it's hard to imagine anyone having little regard for human life. We all just want to enjoy the moments we have in this existence; with the people we care about. Along this journey, those strangers that become friends; simply makes life all the better.

Unfortunately, our reality has monsters. We are reminded of them when we look back at history: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, François Duvalier, etc. Since it's easy to don a mask and be mislead by people, with their pretty words; it's not always easy to discern; those who are genuine, versus those who are simply pretending.

When it comes to the current course of America...the traditional values are merely sell points to push an agenda. As much as our leaders would paint it's current involvement as that of "white knights," what is being revealed is far from it.


Using weapons considered to be "crimes against humanity," as well as lie to its citizens, to provide comfort and aid; isn't actions that are noble & honorable but rather that of extremists; exactly the same mind set and behavior like Muslim

The evidence of American and NATO aggression, being the cause for the current conflict with Russia and Ukraine can be seen in the following link:


If one actually sat down and thought about it; there's actually been zero effort by American leaders to try and resolve the conflict, so people do not have to die. The political party that allegedly champions anti-war; seems to be okay with ending the world.



Actions are what reveals the true nature of a person, not what they say. The fruits that have come forth from all the efforts by our "anti-war" leaders; has resulted with the rest of the world becoming tired of the manipulation and has created an economic nightmare.



Unlike Americans, people in other nations aren't fed American propaganda. They have their own news agencies to cover events. As such, they are viewing things going on in the world, American "mainstream" news networks have no control over.







Fortunately we live in a time where we are no longer limited to corporate news. With the internet, it is easy to access independent news sources, as well as foreign. Though both news sources have always been available, even before the internet; knowing the existence of reliable independent news, wasn't commonly known and foreign news sources usually meant having money.

In this political game of charades; the true nature of a politician is always exposed. Despite the stopgap spending bill dropping support for Ukraine; it still hasn't ended the war machine:



The average American is kept in the dark about what's actually going on in the world. If the truth were known; it would be doubtful that a majority of activities outside gates, would be acceptable.

Once again, other nations are not obligated to support American propaganda. Their news agencies report activities, such as the videos listed involving military action; has created a global anti-American sentiment.

Bias of course can make one angry that there is such as distaste for America BUT to help look at the situation objectively, consider this. All the actions taken by America, in over throwing legitimate governments, to install whatever the American leaders thought was the best; switch the nation to say the Soviet Union (which they did the same activities); wouldn't the response be a moral distaste for Soviet actions?

To look down upon the Soviet Union for doing such action but for America, it's justified...that's what Orwell called "doublethink." This response is commonly found among those part of cults because their leader can say or do things that contradict other positions prior shared but the followers mindless accept these conflicts.


The video linked above, its time frame of events are around March 24, 2023. Though the activities side is old and dated but the understanding is timeless. There's several things that the host reveals; the first being, one of the most reliable investments, which reveals why America must "fight for global freedom."



Using military force should always be the last resort. Any leader pursuing armed conflict, before exhausting diplomatic means; view human life possessing little value. Seeming to be nice and caring and actually being such, are two different things.


The other lesson: on 2001, the assault taken place on American soil, back in the eleventh of September; while Americans were shaken up; people around the world had the same reaction as the host does in regards to what occurred in Syria.


What's interesting about the events in the video linked above, there are parallels to what happened on 2001. Roughly 3,000 people died in events of that particular nation and on that same date in America. There are many who simply saw what occurred as justice. It's why we have the global mindset part of the current generation.


When it comes to life, things don't simply happen without reason. The way to recognize what's going on in seeing the patterns. It's important to note that when it comes to the financial news video; after the 5 minute and 14 seconds mark; the rest of the video has no inherent worth.

It may be hard to believe but America isn't the "good guys," when it comes to this situation. What makes this even more disturbing, the leadership continues to escalate tensions pushing America into a war with Russia.


The description section, in the link above, covers the alarming activities going on.


All those living in America and in NATO countries, all bear responsibility towards the outcome of what occurs. Everyone has blood on their hands by simply allowing things to continue as is. People are giving permission to let the greed of these nations leaders rule.

"When you don't take a stand against corruption you tacitly support it."

- Kamal Haasan

When a person lives in a democracy; an individual can change the course of the political spectrum. By doing nothing; that apathy gives unencumbered push for whatever pursuits a politician has. As such, the outcome of such inaction will be just.

"Don't be deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a person sows he will also reap, because the one who sows to his flesh will reap destruction from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit."

- Galatians 6:7-8

For those desiring to end the bloodshed and avoid turning the world into fiery ash; there are lots of tools to make a difference. One of those tools: Keeping records as to important activities that political leaders have taken.



The other:



A little known and not commonly used, is taking legal action. Below are a few examples:





The details as to using the judicial system to alter the direction the country is going, can be found below, in the description section.


When it comes to the specifics of taking legal action surrounding America and Ukraine...there are many God given components that make for an amazing legal victory.

In most cases trying to win a legal case against support of another nation, would be difficult but with American and NATOs involvement in the Ukraine; it's very reminiscent of incompetent criminals leaving evidence of who they are, at the scene of the crime.

The current state of affairs have positioned Americans in a potential potential war with Russia. Due to Russia's capabilities; the safety and security of everyone you know and care about is endangered.

With the possibility of a draft occuring; thanks to feminist; regardless of gender, anyone 18-40 will be forced into military service. That further puts various family members and friends into harms way. As such legal action concerning American involvement with Ukraine comes on multiple levels.

The easiest to go after is using Massachusetts Air National Guardsman, Jack Douglas Teixeira releasing documents; for the revelations from that, can be used as the most effective battering ram. From it, we know that the administration has been lying. Though members of the administration couldn't be charged for perjury; they could all be sued for commiting fraud.

Keep in mind that you want to use a lawsuit because the standards for winning a lawsuit is much lower than a criminal case. More than likely, the thinking of legal philosophers was that the giving away of money isn't as serious as giving away of your life.

Using the federal racketeering laws, i.e. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO); in whatever fashion an individual plans on suing the administration; will be the overall tool that will be most effective.

From that point, demand the declassification and full disclosure of everything involving Ukraine. Their defense will be national defense. Any good lawyer can easily counterpoint such an argument and there have been legal cases where national defense arguments have been shot down.

The problem with Ukraine is that there's nothing about the situation that qualifies it to be national security. The defense would have to provide evidence as to how anything revolving around Ukraine is national defense. All arguments for national defense would end badly. Take for example Ukrainian borders being respected; can easily be flipped into acts of treason for not defending American borders.

The Commander-in-Chief's son having possible criminal activity; furthers to weaken all national defense arguments, for it end up looking like an abuse of power, so as to cover up crimes. Which may involve activities such as money laundering to business activities that risks American security.

Other line of sight options: various government agencies that have failed to investigate and prosecute Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. While under oath, he knowingly lied and committed perjury and would warrant a full investigation of what appears to be criminal activity, vis-à-vis fraud.

Another aspect, with destroying any and all arguments for national defense or protection of Ukraine: Ukrainian President has made terrorist threats to nations not supporting him. Made declaration of using weapons of mass destruction; all behavior of an irrational human being and a known fascist, running a fascist nation.

As mentioned in the other link, detailing legal action; it's important to provide the case with reliable information not associated with any religion (which this is) or conspiracies. Provided below are resources that will aid in developing a legal case:





That last one...could also be used as a public relations situation of black lives matter. Definitely something that would be an effective political campaign tool.



Several links to check out, that regularly provide reliable information concerning Ukraine:






A different way to deal with the situation with Ukraine...earlier the use of cluster munitions was covered. Using international law, send a message to:

Evidence and Discovery Management Unit – EDMU
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands


Writing both a physical letter and using the link to send a e-mail would yield the best results. The simplest way of going about it, address it: "To whom it may concern;" From there explain that you believe the there's war crimes being conducted by America. Then simply add the link to the article concerning cluster munitions.

Other non-judicial actions: boycott all businesses and remove support for any politician that supports Ukraine. Which leads to a related issue, Christians and the situation with Ukraine. As mentioned elsewhere; the times we are living in; there are going to be lots of things that will try to misdirect us.

We need to remove all the things that will take us away from solid spiritual truth. How is this point connected to Ukraine and the current administration? If one's spiritual leader has no discernment when it comes to events of the world; they are qualified to "spiritually lead" a person when it comes to the times we live? Is that realistic?

Here's some food for thought. Despite the various ways in which support for Ukraine was pushed, there were many who didn't. There have been people who have been exposing what Ukraine has been up to, even before Russia attacked.


It's important to differentiate those who called for to pray for peace or that the conflict would end versus Ukraine would win or defeat Russia. The former being good things to pray for but the latter being support for the Western world powers.

Even though a person could look at this situation and think, no one is going to know everything but if a "spiritual leader" is asleep at the wheel or operate no differently than the other sheep; it's best to leave that church. It also isn't suggesting the abandoning of family or friends that support Ukraine. This is only about church leadership because they need to be the ones to see clearly to guide.

The other question: what were their views concerning the current administration (during the 2020 elections)? Did they support? If so, another example of reasons to find another church. The mental decline of the current leadership is obvious and can't be hidden at this point but it was also observable to a lesser degree as vice. Once again, if the church you attend has leaders supporting either; it's time to step up and find better. When it comes to every issue, we need to keep them in prayer.


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