158: Pt. 1 Kinetic Prayer | Hyda Maria Dougherty on Spirit-Centered Business™

1 year ago

I had the pleasure of meeting Hyda in Colorado while speaking at the No Limits Ranch retreat in June. We hit it off right away and went off exploring the woods on a hike within hours of meeting each other. She has a gentle spirit in tune with nature, and honors God’s creation with her whole heart.

BIO: Hyda Maria Dougherty is a delightful mix of Native American and Spanish from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She shares music, dance and art under the umbrella of education, and offers presentations and ceremonies about our sacred waters as an integral component of her work. Hyda’s spiritual practice is one of service to others through love and compassion. It is with great pleasure that she offers her talents for a variety of events such as conventions, workshops, schools, galleries, festivals and other special events.

- Water carrier, go with the flow
- Institute of American Indian Arts
- Kinetic prayer
- Unifying through being of service

- Connect with Hyda via email: HydaMaria@gmail.com

Bonus 4th Session with any 3-Session Package on SpiritCenteredBusiness.com

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