We Are the Target of Satan’s Deception

1 year ago

I’ve been asked if you could only read one chapter of the Bible, what would it be? Answer: Genesis 3. Why? Because it was the first time God told us our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made; because the idea was for Adam and Eve to live forever. Then, sin entered the world through Satan’s deception and man wanting his own way. Our desire for knowledge to be like God has been the idolatry pursued ever since. For the record, God is not against knowledge. He is against knowledge replacing Him. God also laid out His plan to redeem man and provide a way back to Him, which shows what kind of God I worship.

How has Satan deceived us in the medical murder lane I’ve jumped into? That’s our topic today.

Before getting started, there are two things I want to state by way of paradigm shifts:

1. God is the enemy of Satan; as a result, humanity is the target of his deceptive plan; and

2. He has been working for thousands of years convincing mankind that people are too expensive. This lie is now front and center, publicly – Obamacare documents legalized murder and Medicare/Medicaid costs are the excuse to execute the plan.

Now let’s take the quantum leap – Satan only cares about souls. In that light, exposing evil falls perfectly into the trap he has set. He will reinvent himself as an angel of light, duping the unprepared with security and comfort and claim to put an end to this evil that has been exposed. This is the most important revelation I could share as a watchman on the wall. He has masterfully used the Hegelian Dialectic to accomplish his esoteric war against mankind – problem = evil; reaction = fear; solution = angel of light. We are seeing this less evil side of the same coin being worked on today. How can we tell? No repentance.

Finally, how do we prepare? Look at how God protected the Hebrew babies from King Herod’s edict. Are you going to prepare by studying enemy tactics full time? Building a bomb shelter? Getting off grid? How do we prepare for someone trying to kill us? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego showed us how. Take a look at how God used Queen Esther. As Grace would say, “God’s got this dad.” He is not sitting and panicking when Satan does these things. He warned us ahead of time. There has never been a more important time to know God.

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