2011-2014 F-150 Plug and Play Remote Starters

1 year ago

LINK to System: https://motorcityremotes.com/evofort4-ford-f150/?xtr=r

The Fortin F4-VSS (a.k.a. Fortin EVO-FORT4 preprogrammed vehicle specific ready) Vehicle Specific Ready Remote Starter System is a plug & play kit designed for quick and easy installation in all 2011 through 2014 Ford F-150s equipped with Factory Remote Keyless Entry and automatic transmissions.

With this system, you can activate remote start using your existing factory keyless entry transmitters by either pressing the LOCK button 3 times or LOCK/UNLOCK/LOCK (Choice provided during checkout).

The F4-VSS includes an OEM-grade T-harness for hassle-free installation and uses components manufactured by Fortin, a leading manufacturer of digital remote starters. You can visit their website or read product testimonials from professional installers for more information.

This kit comes complete with everything you need for installation, so there's no need for any downloads, purchase of additional parts, or gathering extra information. Simply take the kit out of the box and start installing.

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