Madden 23 Ultimate Team Part 18 The Gosple of Jesus is Better than.........

1 year ago

Madden 23 Ultimate Team Part 18 The Gosple of Jesus is Better than the Most Amazing Quarter Back Scamble.

"Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit." Matthew 1:18 ESV (English Standard Version)

Quick notes 1) I realize the verse at the start of this video can be difficult to read I have made changes to make it more readable in later videos. 2) I lost the last three minutes of this video showing how the last 46 seconds of the game went and sorry I don't remember. I also lost my outro. "You know what everyone likes, like, share, subscribe. I want you to know that God loves you death has been defeated, may God bless you.


Pass the Bread

Lead by 12 plus points by the end of the game
Get a sack
Get 2 plus sacks
1st down


Emmitt Smith's First Challenge

Rush for 10 plus yards in 3 plays
1st down

Emmitt Smith's Second Challenge

Rush for 15 plus yards in 3 plays
1st down

Emmitt Smith's Final Challenge

Rush for 20 plus yards in 3 plays
1st down

Ed Reed's First Challenge

Don't allow a touchdown this drive
1st down

Ed Reed's Second Challenge

Don't allow a touchdown this drive
1st down

Ed Reed's Final Challenge

Don't allow a touchdown this drive
2nd down

Legends Week 9 Bonus Challenge

Win the game
4th down
I don't know what happened to my video here. I know that it cut out. And I do not remember how this challenge ended.

God loves you!
Death has been defeated!
May God bless you!

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