Fools and Scoundrels (Isaiah 32:5-7)

1 year ago

"Are you friend or foe?" "Neither. I am for The LORD." -Joshua 5:13-14
In a world that says pick a side: Dem or Rep, Left or Right, etc, etc, etc. I had to put etc cause I thought I was going to see my own brain as I rolled my eyes at the foolish and scandalous divides. We don't pick them, we have a different stance, a different choice, a different option, we are For The LORD. We are HIS because of the saving work of HIS hand.
If we had a hand in it, we'd thought we'd done all of it; we do neither the making nor the saving, HE does both so that none may have room to boast.

As I stumbled a bit over my own words a bit at the end there and want to make sure there isn't a woops in understanding: In the world not of the world. We are very much a part of this world, we are the light and salt of it, we are very, very much a part of it, more so in the New Creation to come; which we get to live in the here and now as part of the Now-And-Not-Yet that is the tension we live in.
**We are in this world, we are not of this world when we are redeemed by CHRIST, we are a New Creation in HIM, born of HIS Kingdom, emissaries of it.

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