What is GOD saying about: January 6th, the war in Ukraine, and the Plague of national disasters?

1 year ago

Viewers are given the opportunity to see how GOD see America today. Viewers will see how GOD has warned the Presidents of the United States over the years and how the leadership has failed to listen. This video shows how GOD warned President George W. Bush in 2001 regarding the plague of national disasters that America would experience if the nation would not repent from its rush to shed blood. The video also covers how President Obama and President Biden were warned regarding the war in Ukraine. The video shows January 6th did not happen in a vacuum and how taking action against President Trump is not addressing the real problem - it show how the system is failing the people. Moreover, the Way of the LORD is shared that explains why America continues to experience destructive storms throughout the nation, year after year since 9/11. This video is for all who would like to see GOD pour blessings on America in the name of JESUS!

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