This is, Excuse Me, A Damn Fine Demo | Twin Peaks: Into The Night Demo, a PS1-Style Fan Game

1 year ago

0:00 - My Intro
0:18 - Game Intro
4:55 - Beginning the Demo
8:57 - Recreation of the Intro
10:25 - Intro Credits Finished

I ended up playing the demo twice for this video, I completely missed the photo of Laura at the beginning in my initial playthrough which I noticed after seeing an auto-play demo using it during the start screen after finishing it. I spliced them together in editing to keep it both chronological and authentic reactions.
So if there are any weird inconsistencies or messiness, that is why!

Let's Play Twin Peaks: Into the Night Demo. A fantastic peak into what looks to be an amazing fan game lovingly made by the BlueRoseTeam.

"Twin Peaks: Into the Night - FAN GAME - DEMO
February 24th, 1989. This morning, in the town of Twin Peaks, Washington, a dead body is discovered down by the shore. Wrapped in plastic.
When special agent Dale Cooper is called out to investigate on the recent murder of homecoming queen Laura Palmer, mysterious events begin to occur.
Created as an hommage to good old 90s games classic, Twin Peaks: Into the Night is a fan game adaptation of the eponymous series created by Mark Frost and David Lynch.
Have a taste of a new gameplay experience that will immerse you directly into the unique atmosphere of the show."

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Twin Peaks Into the Night Demo ⇝

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