Prophetic View - WYD '23 - My perspective by C_Laure

1 year ago

Hi Guys!

What "buzz" around the International WYD and specifically on the way the Holy Presence of Jesus Christ was treated in the Eucharist!!!

We have a responsibility as Catholics to protect and defend the faith and even more, Our Lord Jesus Christ in the gifts that He left us. Mass and adoration are certainly times where we should express our utmost reverence to Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Host received during communion or while we adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

So, what to say about the treatment reserved toward the Eucharist during WYD in some places? It brings lots of tensions, lots of questions... So I wanted to share, out of respect for Our Lord, my perspective.

In a "Synodal time", I think my experience can serve as "a grain of salt". Once upon a time, I was young and went to these events. Now, sharing!

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