Yeshua's Narrow Way - The Sermon on the Mount - Beware! - Matthew 7

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“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves." With these words Yeshua begins the final warnings that bring the Sermon on the Mount to a close. (Matthew 7:15)

So, what is a wolf in sheep's clothing? Obviously, these are not literal wolves. These are human 'wolves', in the figurative sense. We are talking about dangerous people who cover over a selfish hidden agenda with what looks like sincere words and actions - which words and actions are a ruse, a deception designed to separate the victim from his valuables. These valuables may include favor, praise, money, ones friends, spouse, family members, or even one's life. Such deceptive arts are included in witchcraft and sorcery, since they proceed from the very bowels of the devil himself. No wonder our Lord told us to beware of such wolves!

Know this: we are living in the age of wolves in sheep's clothing. Modern technology has enabled the proliferation of such wolves. The Internet is teeming with them, and they are always shrouded in carefully crafted scams and falsehoods that routinely victimize multi-millions of people. The lies are traveling at the speed of light, everywhere, all the time. There is a hidden agenda behind each and every one of them. Beware! says the Lord.

Yet, how are you to filter out all of that deadly deception from reality? In this episode of Yeshua's Narrow Way we consider the amazing conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, in which Yeshua warns us about the wolves, and reveals how we can spot them, and how we can avoid being derailed by them. We all need this Truth.

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