Ed Lapinski

1 year ago

Edward Carl Lapinski was born and raised in Cook County IL who works as a Project Manager for a small woman owned business. He is thankful for his time in the Local Boy Scout Troop #235 of Mount Prospect, where he attained the Rank of Eagle Scout in 2008, which played a crucial role in developing the deep love he has for his God and his County. In his free time, he works enthusiastically to engage others in the local community to become involved in the civic arena and partake in our civic duty. He understands that for our Constitutional Republic to succeed, it must be We the People, who uphold our Duty to safeguard our freedoms, so that our government is truly of the people and by the people to
actually be FOR the people.

He draws from experience and knowledge gained by becoming a Citizen Ninja Ambassador through Citizens for Free Speech (https://www.citizensforfreespeech.org) which helped him to build confidence to get into the civic arena and to fight for what’s right. Other sources of inspiration and knowledge are Dan Schultz’s Precinct Committeeman Strategy and the call to action of General Michael Flynn: Local action has national impact.

If you or someone you know lives within, or nearby to, Elk Grove Township and wants to join the fight to ensure not only that the torch of liberty is passed on to future generations, but also to safeguard the very soul of our nation by spreading God’s Light and Truth, please visit www.roegt.com or visit their Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/ElkGroveTownshipGOP/ to learn more, because his organization has a place for you!

—-------------------------------------------Who are the heroes of today?
They are expert physicians and scientists speaking out against medical tyranny.
They are lawyers fighting illegal and unconstitutional mandates in the courts.
They are wealthy entrepreneurs forming alternative media platforms to expose the truth.
And they are political candidates taking on the Deep State and all forms of government corruption.
At the same time, today’s war against the dictator-wannabes is being fought on many fronts much closer to home, by many everyday people:
Patients, who have to protect personal health information – and bodily autonomy – from health system surveillance and coercion.
Citizens, who have to protect their privacy — and their private property — against encroaching Digital ID and CBDC.
Parents, who have to push back against disruptive campaigns in schools, including critical race theory and transgender grooming.
Town residents, who have to preserve municipal resources — schools, hospitals, even whole neighborhoods — from invading illegal immigrants.
Everyday people have to become everyday heroes. We have no choice. The forces of tyranny have advanced — not just to our doorstep — but into our minds, bodies, bank accounts, and medical records. We must either rise to the occasion, or we must accept our lot as transactional units in the Technocratic State.
These are the stories of these Freedom Fighters. We can take inspiration and motivation from each and every one of them, to persevere in the fight for our own freedom.

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