Lawyers: How to Sell Fixed Fee (Part 3 of 4)

1 year ago

This video is part three of four on converting a law firm from hourly to fixed fee billing.

The most difficult part of the process is articulating the fixed fee value and selling it.

If you try to do it the same as hourly, you will get killed and lose big time.

With hourly billing, the client bears the risk. This is one of the main reasons why lawyers use it and like it.

But, with fixed fee, the risk shifts to the firm. This can be scary. But, it also opens the door for way happier clients and for the lawyer to find new ways to create value.

The lawyer needs to make the shift from selling hours to selling value.

Our firm has found that fixed fee (1) aligns the client and the attorney to the same goal, (2) improves communication in a meaningful way, and (3) gives the client certainty.

The info in this podcast will help you figure out how to articulate the value of fixed fee in a compelling way.

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