Why I stopped Rogaine after 6 months at 22|What happens after you stop? #stoppingrogaine #hairgrowth

3 years ago

I got a Smp Hair Procedure from @Taylor Perry at 24 years old.. Experience it with me! #get2stepppin https://youtu.be/7kaIILmfKvY
Join Our Discord Community https://discord.gg/GzdQSFB9 United Steppers Making this video was very therapeutic, faithfully you guys will enjoy this video half as much as I enjoyed making it. Hair is an essential part of our being and seeing it fall out can be tough on anyone. I am sharing my journey partially because it's been an insecurity of mine, but also I know I am not the only 22 year old to be challenged to overcome hair loss. Mainly I feel that whoever you are reading this, rather hair is an insecurity of yours OR something else I want to be example to let you know no matter how self aware or insecure you may feel about how others perceive you at the end of day you have to answer to yourself. So never let your insecurities hold you back and forget what others have to say because chances are they have insecurities they are not addressing with themselves. #TMC
#telogeneffluvium #stoppingminoxidil #shouldistoprogaine #shouldistartrogaine #hairgrowth #losinghair #growinghair #conqueryourinsecurities #howtobeconfidentwithhairloss #keeps #hairsolutions #myhairisgrowingback #stepstosuccess

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