How to Pay Taxes on Real Estate Wholesale Deals?#wheredoipayquarterlytaxes #taxseason #unclesamtax

3 years ago

Join Our Discord Community United Steppers Thanks for tuning in! This video is very important to all of my entrepreneurs out there. When your taxes are not taken out of your income automatically via W2 you have to be very discipline in your financial approach. See, at the end of the year you could have an earned income of 100k but owe 30k in taxes and have 20k to your name.. If that doesn't make sense to you then you may be new to your journey of entrepreneurship and this video is sure to keep you on a path of success! Now, if that sentence did make sense to you and maybe sounds like a situation you've been in before, no worries I got you covered. Listen as I unpack the details to my systematic approach to paying taxes!
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