The JIDF: A History of Online Trolls & Shill Accounts that push Zionist Propaganda and Disinfo! 😈✡️

1 year ago

Both the ADL and JIDF have specifically named and targeted Gab and Bitchute as areas of concentration over the past 5 years. Both platforms are infested with Pro-Hispanic, Pro-Asian, Afrocentric, White Pride and especially Neo Nazi channels that are actually Jewish Zionist run Honeypots. If you provide content that in any way, shape or form promotes things like: Exposing Jewish influence in; Central Banking and Inflation, Foreign Aid, Wall Street, Hollywood, Porn, Slavery, War Crimes, Mass Immigration, Gun Control, Altcoin/Shitcoin Crypto Scams, Government, Election Rigging, etc. you will find yourself under attack by ADL and JIDF posing as your own people to sew distrust and encourage in-fighting. They will rarely, if ever, present themselves as Zionist Jews, and that's the point.

If you notice accounts that portray themselves as Pro-White yet focus their energy attacking channels that provide solutions and useful information about Jewish subjugation, infiltration, and protecting ourselves from it, it's best to Block or Mute these attack accounts. They are most certainly ADL or JIDF accounts operated out of Israel, no matter what they claim. They are liars by nature.

You will see this demonstrated by an unusual amount of thumbs downs and troll comments that suddenly appear and follow channels that provide useful and informative content.

These account will occasionally try to befriend you and slow boil you with small amounts of Zionist propaganda or disinfo that grows over time. Learn to spot this trait. You can test them by criticizing Israel, Zionism, Jews, Judaism, the Mossad, etc. Israeli's on the JIDF payroll are not allowed to push any message that is not pro Israel. Doing so is Kryptonite to them and can result in their firing from the JIDF if they do so. Test them! They are like robots in their steadfastness of protecting Jews/Judaism/Israel/Mossad.

Accounts posing as Pro-White Nationalists have a different protocol. They will often talk poorly of Jews, referring to them as "Kikes" but do so in a childish, buffoon-like manner meant to discredit by association. With these types it's important to keep note on how they treat other channels that have similar messages but are more intelligent in their delivery and robust in content.

Jewish attackers mask themselves under White Pride and American Patriot accounts to spread propaganda and viciously attack channels that provide education and info that seeks to remove White People from the evil clutches of sinister Zionist Israeli Jews. Channels that openly shill Zionist disinfo and make excuses for Israeli aggression are oddly left alone by these accounts posing as White Nationalists, White Priders and Neo-Nazi types.

These JIDF accounts require interaction to earn money, so a common phrase they will repeat is, "only cowards Block/Mute!" don't fall for it. The last thing they want is to be exiled from the conversation where they can no longer stir the pot and earn shekels. Block them whenever possible so they cannot comment on your videos. They will use other accounts. Block them as well. Once your channel is targeted, you will see hordes of random accounts show up to attack you. They want you to respond. Block them instead.

The ADL & JIDF will use countless sock puppet accounts to thumb your content down. Let them. Any channel that has a good subscriber base is a sign the content is worth viewing. The thumbs downs are an indication that ADL/JIDF stooges are infuriated they cannot comment on it. It's a badge of honor.

Know your enemy.
They have been kicked out of 109 countries for good reason, not mere happenstance.

🦁 🦁
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