They stole the Porsche but forgot the keys

1 year ago

Black people in South Africa must get over it and leave the back-breaking but crucial agriculture industry firmly entrenched in white farmers’ hands.

In fact, just forget about the government policies trying to address the emotive land issue. If blacks, who had been dispossessed of their land for centuries, can’t use it productively, they should forget about farming and pursue other careers.

Lucky Selamolela, spokesman for the political start-up African Economic Party (AEP) made these controversial remarks during an interview with The Star on Thursday, as he discussed his party’s priorities for the upcoming municipal elections.

He said organised agriculture had also done little to change the face of the industry, seen to be dominated by white commercial farmers, therefore rendering black farmers to peripheral roles within the multibillion-rand sector.

And to that end, no further land should be transferred to black people until such time that they are mentally fit to toil the land, thus fulfilling the biblical scripture that by the sweat of your brow shall you eat.
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