The Real Flat Earth Map is NOT a Globe Projection..Globers | #Area51South Flat Earth

1 year ago

Terry R Eicher explains how the Gleason Map is the REAL FLAT EARTH MAP and NOT a Globe Projection. The globers aren't doing their homework, they're too lazy or they just like to avoid the facts. The Gleason Flat Earth Map is the best map we have at this time. This map is the perfect starting point for explorers to engage in FULL EXPLORATION of the earth, you most certainly won't be taking a CARTOON GLOBE with you to navigate with, you use flat maps to navigate.

Globers want to hang their hats on flat earth not presenting a final map and model of the earth. It's a work in progress, it takes full exploration and access to all restricted areas of earth, especially the Southern regions of earth before a completed final model and map can be presented. We're not lying globe cult priests who just want to tell people where they live and make them see their world through the eyes of the lying globe cult priests. Instead we are trying to put together all the pieces to the puzzle, piece by piece.

Globers are trying to fool people into thinking the earth is a ball with narrow bottom and top sections. The reality is ocean currents and the jet stream is how planes and boats travel quicker and more efficiently in the southern regions of the earth. Globers are simply trying to cover up that fact to make people think planes and boats are traveling over a narrow section of the globe in the Southern Region. They have yet to prove their elusive curvature of the earth, but they so desperately have the need to try and steer the narrative under every single video. In this chicken and egg scenario, the globers are trying to force you to believe the ball earth came before the curvature, but you can't have a 3D rotund ball or globe without curvature. The globers are also missing their most important glue that holds their ball earth together, gravity! Gravity doesn't exist and this has been proven by practical real world demonstrations that anyone can do themselves.

Presented by Terry R Eicher of Flat Out Truth - Originally titled THE REAL FLAT EARTH MAP (final evidence) Subcribe to Terry here -

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