60 Wayne Un-Glew(ed)

1 year ago

(then click on ARTICLE 61 pdf)
MC1215 Knowledge Centre AU, then: Files, then: Article 61

01:14 Response to Wayne begins
02:50 Is the Bible a relevant or necessary source of law?
03:20 Definition of common law
04:00 Trial-by-jury and cost-free justice
04:40 Direction to video series
05:20 Magna Carta Society
06:00 All of A61 applies
06:20 More detail on Magna Carta
07:00 Public servants under control of the people
07:50 The oldest valid constitutional law still stands
08:35 Explanation of final half of A61
09:50 Closing sentences of A61
10:50 A61 stands "in perpetuity" and "for ever"
11:30 Do any acts and statutes revoke or diminish A61?
12:30 Constitutional sections of Magna Carta
13:25 People have the right to govern themselves
13:40 Failings of the Australian Constitution
15:00 No Crown authority since invocation of A61
15:24 Argument to counter Wayne's assertion of validity of Aust. Const.

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