Create MIdjourney AI Art in Any Artists Style With One Prompt - Tutorial and Reference Sheet

1 year ago

In this video, the creator teaches how to create any type of art in a style of one's choosing. From paintings to specific artists, the creator demonstrates how to achieve the desired style and provides access to resources. By using the Discord command "/imagine [subject] in the style of [artist/style]", the creator showcases how to generate art in various styles, such as Adam Hughes, Caravaggio, and Santiago Caruso.

With over 150 character artists and various landscapes to choose from, the creator highlights the versatility of this method. He also mentions that it is possible to create art inspired by video games, such as Animal Crossing or Assassin's Creed, and different styles like Angel Punk, Cyberpunk, and Blood Punk. This video is a quick and easy way to create amazing pieces of art in a style of your choosing.

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