In villages in Heilongjiang Province, China, hailstones as large as egg yolks fell, damaging crops

1 year ago

8/20/2023 A video circulating online shows that in some villages of Xunke County, Heilongjiang Province, China, hailstones as large as egg yolks fell, damaging numerous crops, including cabbage, eggplants, watermelons, vegetables, corn, and soybeans, according to local peasants. With both flooding and hail affecting Heilongjiang, a major grain-producing region in Communist China, the food crisis is becoming inevitable.
#CCP #foodcrisis #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/20/2023 网上流传的视频显示,黑龙江黑河逊克县某村屯突降如鸡蛋黄一样大的冰雹,当地农户表示,白菜、茄子、西瓜、菜、苞米、黄豆等农作物受损。中共国的粮仓黑龙江先遭水灾又来冰雹,粮食危机的爆发势不可挡!
#中共 #粮食危机 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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