Exodus 7:14-8:32, August 20, 2023, So He Said, “Tomorrow”

1 year ago

Exodus 7:14-8:32, So He Said, “Tomorrow”
August 20, 2023, S-1554-KL
Pharaoh has refused God’s command to let the Israelites worship Him in the wilderness, so God turns the Nile River to blood and then sends successive plagues of frogs, lice, and flies. Each plague reminded the Egyptians of one of their many gods and revealed the God of the Israelites as more powerful than the false gods they worshipped. With each plague, Pharaoh initially relents but then again rebels once God brings relief. It is the same today– people repeatedly and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the one true God of the Bible and His Son, Jesus, as the only way to be saved from the judgment that is soon to come our world in the Tribulation Period. Pastor Kevin pleads with those who have not yet humbled themselves and accepted Jesus to do so today and exhorts believers to from the gods of our culture and worship Him only.
Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Exodus, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/so-he-said-tomorrow-exodus-714-832/

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