Victory in Christ is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

1 year ago

Victory in Christ is a marathon, not a sprint! The victory of the promises coming to pass doesn’t happen as soon as you want it to usually; but rather in God’s timing! Many times people think they’ve lost the battle, the promise just didn’t come to pass - but the truth is you’re in the middle of the marathon. KEEP GOING! You will see the victory! You will see the breakthrough! You will see all of the promises come to pass! Watch the whole message “Champion of God” on my YouTube under LIVE from this past Sunday.

(In the video the gold medal is compared to victory of the promises coming to pass/breakthrough/open doors).

‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Watch the whole message 'Champion of God' here:
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