Eyes To See? Oliver Anthony-Psalm 37, Maui Fires, Ready to Fly? 726 37-To Make Holy/Sanctified 888

1 year ago

There's a lot in here, and I hope that you are awake and have eyes to see. Oliver Anthony read Psalm 37 recently. 37 is a factor in all of the triple numbers like 37 X 12 = 444. Jesus is 444 in gematria. Jesus Messiah is 888. It turned out that this video has 37 pages. 37 in Greek- Definition: to make holy, consecrate, sanctify
Usage: I make holy, treat as holy, set apart as holy, sanctify, hallow, purify.

The rapture is very soon. Keep praying for the lost, and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ for we are seated in heavenly places.

Hebrews 10:37-39
Ephesians 5
Revelation 3:10

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