Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Zomboss - Seedium Plant Showcase - SeaFlora - Aug 2023

1 year ago

SeaFlora seeds were offered from August 23, 2023 through August 30, 2023.

SeaFlora is a member of the SPEAR-MINT family.
SeaFlora costs 225 Sun.
SeaFlora does 50 damage. (+10 damage per level.)
If SeaFlora is in water, this damage jumps to 65. (+10 or +15 per level.)
If SeaFlora is in water, SeaFlora acts like Three-Peater - firing at zombies at the lane above and below.

We can't sugar-coat this. When planted on water, SeaFlora is Three-peater. When outside of water, SeaFlora is an expensive Peashooter. Even in Big Tide Beach levels, SeaFlora is pretty unreliable. Place SeaFlora too far back and SeaFlora loses its perks. Plant SeaFlora too far forward and SeaFlora gets eaten.

00:00 Difficulty 1 - Bloomerang + Bonk Choy
02:17 Difficulty 2 - Three-peater + Bamboo Spartan
04:36 Difficulty 3 - Mega Gatling Pea + Pea Vine + Torchwood

Given Plant = SeaFlora
Chosen Perk is Chill Zombies / Jalapeno / Boss Buster

Level 1 Objective - Remove five (5) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 10 SeaFlora
Players start with 1,200 Sun.

Level 2 Objective - Remove seven (7) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 15 SeaFlora
Players start with 1,000 Sun.

Level 3 Objective - Remove nine (9) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 20 SeaFlora
Players start with 750 Sun.

We do not get a preview of Penny's Pursuit before it is released. So what you see is what players get.

We also try to vary the strategies from week to week and showcasing different plants and strategies and ideas. Using the same strategy week after week would be boring to see.

As always, if you appreciate these videos, learned something from them, please subscribe. This incentives me to continue making these videos.

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