The power of prayer, pray to end child trafficking, biblical truths, military history

1 year ago

In chapter 7 of the Book of Judges, Gideon defeated the Midianites, which had 135,000 men. King Henry, the fifth of Britain, prayed, then gave the band of Brothers speech, and his army outnumbered as much as 5 to 1 defeat of the French at Agincourt on October 25, 1415. Years later, Saint Pope Pius V had all of Christendom praying, and the Christendom navy outnumbered 10 to 1 sank the Turkish navy in 1571. On August 6, 1945 at Hiroshima, Japan, Father Hubert Schiffer and seven priests were praying when the first atomic bomb was dropped and they were 600 yards from Ground Zero. They all die decades, later of old age, never being sick.
The power of prayer can do amazing thanks. We should all pray the lords prayer every day at the 17th hour (5 PM) to end the scourge of child trafficking. Please set your phones for 5 PM and take 30 seconds to say this prayer every day. Tell everyone you know to do the same. We may not be the heroes of Delta force in the Marine Corps and the armies that are going in and cleaning out deep underground military bases, but we can support their effort with prayer. Prayer can be our combat multiplier. If enough of us pray, I know God will answer this prayer with a resounding yes and we will live in a much better world. So let’s I’ll do our part, get off the fence and say the Lord’s Prayer and every day at 5 PM.

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