Blitz 120 with 32" HD Tiller Breaking Ground

1 year ago

Blitz 120 with 32" HD tiller, preparing a new garden plot in new ground. Part of the ground in this video has been pasture for at least 11 years. This is heavy clay with lots of sod/root pressure. We made multiple passes to turn everything under. About 4 total. We were running first part of video in 1st gear to help break the ground, and then 2nd gear to go deeper into soil and speed things along for 2nd part. Garden plot length in this video is about 110'.

Initial pass is very shallow on purpose. As we make additional passes, we drop the till depth as soil conditions allow. NOTE: In order for this operation to be this easy in a heavy clay soil loaded with sod/roots and fist size rocks, it is imperative to pay attention to soil moisture content. In this case this soil was borderline too much moisture, but it still worked well. On the other hand, had we tried this operation after a week or 2 of no rain, that would NOT be appropriate. Tilling at that point would have been more difficult and our results would be less satisfying.

One other comment about the soil and our preparation: To save time for our viewer, you did not see us end of the end of the row, sometimes stop, turn off the machine and pull the chunks of roots/clay/sod out from underneath the tiller. As I mentioned above, due slightly above optimal moisture in the soil, and being in a clay soil, there is no way to get around breaking ground in these conditions, without having to stop here and there and pull chunks out from under tiller. Now, had we tarped the bed for several weeks and let the grasses and weeds die, then that would have allowed for less stopping.

Yes, this is a very long video. We realize few people will watch the whole thing. The point we want to get across is showing it turn sod into a garden bed quickly and easily. Feel free to skip around. At the end of the video we mention a few things in our "after" shot of the new garden spot.

In addition to the 32" tiller, the Blitz 120 2-wheel tractor will run dozens of additional attachments.

Blitz 2-wheel tractors are available exclusively from Dailey's Walk-Behind Tractors. We sell and ship them all over USA and Canada.

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