Jones Plantation Clip 1 Uncomfortable Truth vs. Comfortable Lies

1 year ago

We all live on #JonesPlantation

"They don't want truth or freedom. They want to feel safe.

They want to know that someone else is in charge and it's not them.

If they don't want to be slaves, why do they put up with it?"

- Mr. Smith "Jones Plantation"

Watch the full film at

This film uses the Jones Plantation as an allegory for oppression that exposes the #mentalslavery suffered by so many in the modern day.

#politics #film #debtslavery #liberty #freedom #slavery #movie

This is a truly independent film that, "found the right way to have the conversation about our relationship with the State." - Charlie Robinson Macroaggressions Podcast

Directed by Andrew Treglia

Written by Larken Rose

Maurice Johnson

Lee Gaulman

& J.J. Green

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