Transformational Energy Exchange: MALE / FEMALE

1 year ago

Feminine Energy at the Heart of EMOTIONAL PROCESSING Part 3

The TRUE HUMAN BEINGS, Masculine, Feminine:
What ARE our instruments, our innate tools for love and healing?
I have recorded three videos on this topic, as I realised there was important information to be gleaned regarding femininity and its true power.

I started questioning two parts of the same thing:

Needing to Understand Emotional Processing Fully :
for ourselves
with our love partners and children
Needing to work out how to VALUE Femininity in the world- and in ourselves.

I experienced directly this week, the impact of not fully possessing the information of emotional processing, despite practising this consciously for years. I want to identify and express the value of this within the world, and why it is essential we fully discover and bring it back into our lives and new systems.

( Just so you understand…I often cut out the little moments of silence in between each line of channeling, so that you get a somewhat smoother ‘ride’ while e I am communing with my greater self. )
FEMININE ENERGY & What is MISSING from our knowledge of EMOTIONAL PROCESSING? Part 3

Transformational Energy Exchange: MALE / FEMALE

My mouth is hanging open for the energy of the last session.
Kari looks gorgeous and diva-ish,
Introduction into the true feminine essence.
1.3 Investigating the ouraboura, ‘8’, Palaeolithic mother-form, X definition
X chi greek 22, xi….
In Plato's Timaeus, it is explained that the two bands that form the soul of the world cross each other like the letter Χ. Plato's analogy, along with several other examples of chi as a symbol occur in Thomas Browne's discourse The Garden of Cyrus (1658).
The World soul Anima Mundi (Sophia, Demiurge. Architect
Plato adhered to this idea,[1] identifying the universe as a living being:
Thus, then, in accordance with the likely account, we must declare that this Cosmos has verily come into existence as a Living Creature endowed with soul and reason [...] a Living Creature, one and visible, containing within itself all the living creatures which are by nature akin to itself.
— Plato, Timaeus 30b–d, translated by W.R.M. Lamb[2]

GOD/SOURCE is above and beyond this - beyond the Anima Mundi, the architect, the matrix, the demiurge.
Setting the scene
4.55 What did it spark in Kari;- taking on ‘stuff’ theme we both experienced,, leading us to this moment of exploration.
Could we have helped ourselves from taking on the energy of others.
6.20 The world is inside out the way it values the act of energy processing for others. I know Kari would have taken on the baggage because of her loving nature. “Love takes it on.’
7.30 We are taught to have emotional boundaries but, perhaps this is part of the inside-out world we are living in? And love perhaps just reaches out to help- - always.
7.50 If fully processing emotion was the TRUE POWER OF THE FEMALE,
11.00 kundalini discussions
13.13 the really important pieces of information were hidden away- Kari: “just like the news…”
13.50 A woman an emotional purifier. She release and receive. she is tuned into he world around her so she loves. A dynamo: heaven to earth, love out, stuff in, -a motor: her pure feminine essence.
If we were agriculturalists this would work in our world.
15.00 HOW could we recognise the value of the female in our world.
16.30 I found a trick to work the system.
16.55 What do we want to do? Kari: Legally Blonde movie recognitions
18.00 Kari: it’s so attractive the magnetic quality….because its masculine and feminine
19.00 How do we bring in feminine essence more into the world so the tit is natural again.
19.30 Some men are doing this- recognising this in the female.
23.00 setting the remit of what we were processing.
24.00 How would we like to get to inner earth to chat to some others for more information
27.40 We arrive
29.20 Kari asks our first question - a white bearded man and his beautiful wife.
Can you give us wisdom to help us learn what the power of the feminine is and where we should be focussing, and to remember the full masculine, both of which have been hidden for so long. Where should we be focusing to bring it back to earth, so that men can receive it, women can embody it and it can be honoured done again?
30.15 I speak for the man.
He has a staff in his hand with snake- it is an illusion. A symbol of movement- always there to be aware of.
32.00 I ask Kari to ask him some questions about ‘duality’ ( i meant “polarity” )
So tell me, what you you tell men to accelerate the return of the divine feminine. and learn to honour her expression and bring it forth in the world? What should we tell men?
32.40 "They have been pulled to the centre. They have been so far pulled to the centre, their definition of self is wavering. You know it with the rates of the population, with the semen being produced- their fertility, levels, their ability to be physical. This puling to the center of course, was the ‘dilution’. Now, I know ( and I slip into my self to explain he is taking up my ‘8’ /meta/ouroburus image.) -because of that which you were talking about, this centre-point is where the knot is. This is where they have got you, held, in the centre-point. And the ability to move and to shift into true polarity is not helped by this. - This ’sameness’ that is attempted to be held onto you- to control you. 'There is no difference between the male and the female', ‘I can do whatever you can do’, ‘I can do whatever you can do’…'I can do whatever you can do' is a good thing to an extent, but mostly it’s not, because, we have forgotten the far edges: the true feminine, the true masculine. And there is much New Age speak of , yes, polarity, duality, 'this is a system we must not have', “We must not have duality!” “We must not have polarity!“, and there is “only oneness’. - We hear this, it is your New Age slogan, we hear it all the time, “Oh! the oneness!”
There is a trick, as you know, they always thread the tricks into these things. You need the separation, to have the expression. And if you have the full magnificence of the male and the full magnificence of the female, you have a very full explosion.
If you have half a male, half a female meeting, what explosion is there? - It is very small in comparison. “
35.00 Kari asks: “And that will inspire the men to want the full polarity?- to discover it?
35.07 “Well, they are so very unaware of it now, it has been….”
Kari: “Yes they are, it is just the most delicious thing on the planet, and trying to get it through to them has been kind of difficult for me. I am working on it though.”
35.25 “So we understand this, ‘white hat’, ‘black hat’ game that is being played, and the disasters and the battles and the imagination which is raging through your worlds, and the medias. And we understand that they are parts of the same essence. But why is it happening, this tearing and this pain? Yes, you are redistributing, you are removing an archaic force, which had no business being there- that is a thing throughout the universe, we have had to deal with- the AI system behind many of the negative forces, has been a ‘contrary nature’ shall we say, to organic life.
And this saturation of ‘who’ and ‘what’ you are, is very hard to bring a ‘new thing’, when you are all sitting at the middle of the cross- when everyone is in their comfort zone, how are they to feel what it is that they are missing?
They think that they are comfortable held by the pharmaceuticals, held by the systems, held by the rules and regulations, - everyone tied into a knot in the centre, when really they need to break away, and break apart. And part of the catastrophic events you see, just like the computer of the ‘Isabel’ dropping, is the ‘splitting’ to bring awareness: you require ‘space’ to in-put new information. There needs to be a tearing apart for ‘space’ to appear, for the realisation that there is more than this central, clinging, coal/pole/whole (?) in the middle of normality. “
37.20 I ask if there is any other way we can introduce/remind about the true essences of the masculine and feminine, without the treating open? invite Kari to help me find someone we want to address with this question.
38.40 i conclude, well, maybe it is just a ‘birth’- necessary like a vagina opening up to allow a large baby out- the ‘ripping apart’ could be the only way to make the space necessary.
39.00 Kari returns to the heart of the original question: what is the missing part to the feminine processing of all the emotion, and the masculine AND the feminine needing to recognise how powerful this is.
39.39 I saw the x cross again, where everyone is ‘hedging their bets’ around the centre, as the centrists, losing their polarity/identity. And I saw as the female pulls off and recognises this function, of the emotional processing, it unties her and she becomes this kind of ‘bow’ off from the centre.
40.14 As the female recognises her ability to transform emotional energy and the male recognises his ability to transform physical energy
41.00 we will have larger experiences together when we come back in unity - male and female. We have been so used to having little experiences. Maybe we are just naturally expanding towards this larger level of experience.
41.28 Kari saw the effect of being in nature as one which would naturally expand us INTO nature- we are usually hidden away indoors, especially with our sensual worlds.
42.00 Kari explain her post from the morning where ‘the man’ had been shoved out of nature- the ‘mind machine’, and the need for reintegration.
42.44 I give examples of Amerindian culture and professional men I knew who were full integrated into nature.
44.24 We would actually say, the ‘joy of the centre’ ( making the diagonal cross shape with my arms) is actually the Earth. We’ve been pushed into this centre by the matrix, saying, “I don’t know if Im male or I’m female, or wot I am , and Im in comfort, and I dunno what I’m doin’? (funny voice)- that sort of thing, ‘enmeshment’. Or, we go to the centre and that’s the Earth, we touch all the nature, and we start to really get to grips with it, and that starts to awaken this true expression.
44.48 Kari: “So…the MORE sharing about the men back in nature, because actually I haven’t see a lot about that. …Our consciousness as we are awakening, seems to go through these ( Kari shows waving movements with her hands, up and down), waves of awakening. Like for a while everybody was, “We’re God, we’re Source!”, but then it’s like, “Ok, what’s next?” - and then what’s next and what’s next?” Kari tells the story of Pan as the favourite consort of the Godess- half beast, half man, ‘that’s what she liked”.
45.49 “The wild man, the Green man”. I speak of all the brilliant men I have on my facebook , saying how all of them, no exceptions, passionately love nature, not one exception.
46.36 Kari: “They turned Pan into the Devil- and then the Goddess didn’t have a consort.”
46.46 Me: Or then she got turned into Mary, who never had sex…..( Kari confirms that Joseph was the father ;) - and it was an ‘immaculate conception’ because Mary was open to Source at that moment of sex. ”It was her purity of love: love makes you pure.”
47.27 Kari “You even know that, and Im very clear, you have more access to your heart energy than I am used to feeling. So, I honour that in you, by the way, - the divine feminine. And we all need to get tot hat place where, at least women, have far more heart energy - and of course, men need far more too, as they balance their masculine/feminine- it’s just been disconnected and not working…”
Kari talks about her daughter in law who is very strict about what she doe sand does not do- and adores her man (Kari’s son). Kari talks of her earlier days, when she practised that she ‘can’t count on a man, she must be independent - in other words, the female having to become massively masculine.
51.00 Kari: “We weren’t taught the balance of WHY we should let the boys do it- we weren’t taught that!” (‘It’, being, the getter, bringer, provider…)
51.30 We weren’t allowed to honour love. I bring forth the ‘8’ again:
When the two polls meet, that is love, it is the spark, the creator. It is that which creates always, the infinite creator- we are apart, we come together ( I describe this with my moving arms ;) ) - THAT is the spark.
Kari: “that’s where creation comes for, that’s where energy comes from!”
And what is that? it’s the thing that call LOVE, because we haven’t got any words for it. We got taken so far away from LOVE by science. and new we are at the place of, “What is love? I dunno…”
53.11 And if the women say, “this is who I am- I am love. I can’t be any other way if I am i authentically true to myself’, they have to say, “i can’t help but love you!”
Kari: “Yes! That’s true! That’s absolutely true, yes!”
“I love you, I adore you, I would always support you, I would always be with you, because I think that whatever you do is f**king awesome!”
53.23 “Does that get a pay-check?” It doesn’t…..but it does! If we stand and say that is who I am…
Kari: “that’s the story of Napoleon Hill’s book! He found that the number one power, way above number two, of the most financially successful men, was when a man had a woman that could be with him in romance and sex his entire life. And he said, “women, you need to figure that out.”
Well, who has figured it out? Very rare….perhaps that’s why it is such a rare occasion of wealth- other than the elite who keep it all to themselves and share it with themselves. But I know the exchange of the full of that polarity is what brings women to the place, where they want to give men ten times the love and the support. And I know that the power that flows out from her heart is at least equivalent to the power that comes out of his genitals. I used to doubt that….and now I realise, that when she falls apart during the polarity process, that I teach, it is because all the energy has drained from her body, into him, through her heart. She’s given him everything, and he goes, “Whoa! I feel amazing!”….and they literally right there, on the spot, feel like a hero!” Kari describes the process she teaches in her book The Great Circle of Desire. “And that’s what we are missing, and we don’t realise that.” Karis passion is beautiful to witness…
56.33 Kari: “And so the woman can be anything she wants….she can be the manager of a huge corporation if she wants, but she’s got to understand the power in her heart.”
57.00 Kari talks about the half and half, ‘equal’- how that will give the ‘small’ experience I was talking about earlier with the ‘8’.
- and that doesn’t even work in a gay relationship. “If you are not doing that masculine, feminine polarity dance, you are going to go ( Kari indicates with her hand- flatline), no spark, no chemistry.” Kari refers to David Deida: “play your role to the max, because that’s where the spark is!”” And even if you just turn it on an hour before sex, you’re going to find that makes an enormous difference.”
- 58.13 “In terms of restricting the planet….we’ve had to do several things:
- we’ve had to caste out some really nasty baddies
- we’ve had to pull a-part the system, where all the invading techniques were implanted into our brains. We really need massive combs to pull it apart: “This is rubbish!” “Pull out these cobwebs!” We are gradually teasing apart these threads of nonsense.
- We need to separate it out so that people can see and they can know where they are, because we’ve bene held into these positions. No one knows when they are fresh and clean and pure any more, because we are so in a system, which just holds us all together in tight.
59.36 Kari: “it’s like when you are editing!” Looking for the tiniest thing among all the words.”You know it’s in there somewhere! And you have to really spread it out so that toys can see it!”
Yes, a metaphor for everything: we are in the time of editing. Everything. So that we can recognise it for what it actually is. I exhort you to search for it. “Search for the thing that has been hidden from you!” Keep persevering! Ask, ask ask. The answers are hiding in plain sight.
1.00 That’s what’s happening with every person’s mind, we are being cooked in t his pressure cooker of change
1.00.30 Kari: “We were taught to look outside and we were taught in school to take the authorities’ words, as you call it, “The Wallpaper”: “this is how you have sex’, and ‘this is how you have to be’ and, ‘here, watch some porn’…instead of going INSIDE!
1.01.06 Kari asks me about a sensation on her head….Indian head massage- ‘very close reiki’ crazy tingly energy. I talk about auric fields of trees- this stuff is all true and real and we are starting to bring in more information and add energy to it.

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