1 year ago

The remedy for the "fear of man" for any of us, especially slaves (those counted as or being made to appear or feel worthless - with no rights or privileges; made to feel as second-class or lower caste citizens) - is:

I Peter 2:18, "Slaves, in reverent fear of GOD submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh."

No matter how people look at you or may think of you and treat you - whether good or bad; our thoughts should not be to fear man or look 'first' at him; but should be ALWAYS to REVERE GOD AND SUBMIT TO HIM - as we submit to HIM in Fear & Love and honor Him - we submit to HIS Word working in us, with us, and through us - to all who are around us. NO MAN IS GREATER THAN GOD - THEREFORE - NO MAN IS WORTHY OF FEAR - BUT GOD, IS TO BE FEARED IN LOVE - FULL OF WORSHIP - HONOR - GLORY - DUE TO UNTO HIM - IN JESUS'S NAME! Amen..

We are continuing to support our 'Ohana O Ke AKUA (Family of GOD), 'Ohana (Family), and friends and people of Maui - should you wish to give to help support our efforts or help through other churches or organizations, please Do Something!
You can "GIVE" through this ministry via our website/app: kapenawrightministries.org
(hit "GIVE" tab - identify if gift is for "MAUI RELIEF" [we keep no part of that fund-it all goes to ministries in Maui}....
You can write us (make checks payable to: Kapena Wright Ministries/MAUI RELIEF)
Kapena Wright Ministries
11010 Harbor Hill Dr., Ste.B-512
Gig Harbor, WA 98332

You can also watch us via:
ROKU-TV (Apple TV) Kapena Wright Ministries
Rumble Kapena Wright Ministries
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YouTube alohakap1

Mahalo for your prayers, your encouragement, and your giving.
E AKUA Pu (GODs Blessings) & Aloha in Jesus Christ

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