Perfect Dam Construction Project! Incredible Next Level Dam Engineering, China & Turkey Megaprojects

1 year ago

Yusufeli Dam – Turkey Expensive Megaprojects

The Yusufeli Dam is on the Çoruh River near Yusufeli in Artvin Province within the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. With a height of 270 m (886 ft) from its foundation and 223 m (732 ft) from the river's thalweg (the lowest point of the river bed), The Yusufeli is a megaproject without a doubt. It will have a crest length of 490 m (1,608 ft) and a crest width of 15 m (49 ft) while being composed of 2,900,000 m3 (102,412,533 cu ft) of concrete. On February 26, 2013, the foundation stone was laid, and the dam's opening date was initially set to May 29, 2018. As of 2018, the expected opening date was delayed to 2021. When completed, Yusufeli Dam will be Turkey's tallest dam and the fifth tallest dam in the world.

Baihetan Dam - China

The Baihetan Dam is a large hydroelectric dam on the Jinsha River, an upper stretch of the Yangtze River in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, in the southwest of China. The dam is a 277 m tall double-curvature arch dam with a crest elevation of 827 m, a width of 72 m at the base, and 13 m at the crest. It is considered the last large hydropower megaproject in China to be completed since a series of projects starting with the Three Gorges Dam, the third largest dam in China, and the fourth in the world, in terms of dam volume. Actual construction started in 2017. The reservoir started filling in April 2021, on June 28, 2021, the Baihetan Dam began generating hydroelectricity, when the project's first extremely powerful water outlets - turbines started operating. The 3 rd. turbine followed in July, and the 4 th. in November. The facility will generate mini hydroelectricity with 16 extremely powerful water outlets - turbines, each with a generating capacity of 1.0 GW, taking the generating capacity to 16,000 MW. In terms of generating capacity, it will be the second largest hydroelectric power plant in the world, after the Three Gorges Dam.

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