Remove Negative Attachments Instantly And Easily Without Creating Any Karma

1 year ago

As We expand our consciousness, we realize that negative entities and attachments, come from the same source that we do. And by trying to eradicate them, we are effectively trapping ourselves in the game, because we don't recognize the illusion of separation. This Activation is a way to kind of re write the game, by recognizing that they play a role, and what we are doing is finding a way to have them decide to detach from our energies, because the energy no longer tastes good. Remember the goal of the game is to stop division, live in peace with everything, and recognize a part of you (we are all 1) is playing the role of the attachment, so be kind but set a boundary, that you do not condone the behaviour and it will stop, by making them realize it tastes bad....
This is super powerful so please do this when you have time to rest afterwards. also don't watch or listen to when driving or operating machinery.
Watching or listening to this video is all that is require to agree to have this work for you, as always this content is filtered by your guides and higher self for your highest good
#lightcodesactivation #negativeattachments #entity #demon #excorsism

#lightLanguage Activations
#lightlanguagetransmission #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguagehealing
The image was also channeled so it may help by focusing on the image while listening to the audio. this is not required as you will still get benefit by listening
Please drink extra water this week, as these video are very deep and powerful
recommended Bluetooth sleep mask to be able to listen to subliminals while sleeping

Provide some feedback, as to how these work for you, and if there are any other type of subliminals or Light language you you would like me to post.
I will try to get a few out each week. Please like and subscribe

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