Dog balances Fidget Spinner in epic slow motion

7 years ago

Nowadays even our pets are getting in on the latest trends! They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but it looks like this four legged friend is proving that to be wrong. With each person or animal being different than the last, their individuality leads them to having a different aptitude than the last one. Now we all have seen the fidget spinner craze that has taken the world by storm, and all you dog lovers just melt at the sight of a dog. Combine the two and you get this awesome video!

Have you ever seen something as mystical as this pit bull as it flawlessly balances a fidget spinner right on the nose? The slow motion makes this video that much better. What a good doggo! Watch as this adorable dog sits patiently waiting for either the fidget spinner so die out or fall off her nose. What an obedient pit bull!

Have you ever caught your dog doing something as awesome as this? Let us know in the comment section! Be sure to visit for more awesome content, and feel free to upload any clips that you may have.

Check out this dog with a fidget spinner.

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