BCP: Catholics of India, remain faithful to Jesus Christ even at the cost of persecution!

1 year ago

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Dear bishops, priests and believers of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church,
through the 4-24 August visitation by the Jesuit Cyril Vasil, the apostate Pope again tried to ruin your faithfulness to Jesus Christ. In fact, he seeks to break your conscience to bring you under total subjection to the Bergoglian sect. There have been a series of attempts to manipulate you with an ultimatum, the threat of suspension, or the Jesuit Vasil’s play-acting of “pious” prayers.
What admirable ingenuity is displayed by those who use psychological methods and pretended piety in order to lead you, the shepherds and the souls entrusted to your care, into Bergoglio’s rebellion against God and His commandments. The Jesuit Archbishop Vasil suggestively lied to you by saying that whoever disobeys Francis Bergoglio disobeys the Lord. This Slovak Jesuit used this chance to obtain a cardinal’s hat in reward for his betrayal of Christ and service to the antichrist. It should be known that because of this crime the Jesuit Vasil has brought upon himself God’s anathema, i.e. expulsion from the Church of Christ according to Gal 1:8-9. Unless he repents, eternal hell awaits him.
Among other things, in an attempt to suggestively manipulate uninformed priests and believers, he said: “That is why I now stand before you and I would like to ask each of you a simple question that is part of my personal mandate. Answer with your heart: Are you with the Holy Father, do you want to remain priests and members of the Catholic Church in your Syro-Malabar Church, or do you prefer to listen to rioters who lead you to disobey the Holy Father and the legitimate shepherds?”
Vasil’s words are manipulation! Jesus is the Truth, the Life, and the only Way to salvation, unlike the false Bergoglio’s LGBTQ synodal way. Jesus now stands before you, dear bishops, priests and believers, and asks you a question. Answer with your heart: Are you with your Lord and Saviour, thereby remaining His faithful bishops and priests and members of His Catholic Church? Or do you prefer to listen to heretical rioters and traitors led by a Judas who occupies the papacy, opposes God and breaks His laws and commandments?
Dear faithful Catholics of India, be aware that this is a time of spiritual changes bringing along gender ideology, mass experimental vaccination and apostasy from Christ. At this time the papacy is occupied by an apostate, who had himself publicly dedicated to Satan last year by a shaman blowing a wild turkey bone whistle in Canada. You live in a time when this false Pope abuses the supreme authority and is completing these days the preparation of a fraudulent secret coup in the Vatican.
To achieve this aim, he uses the so-called synodal journey and commits the heinous crime of legalizing sodomy in the Church! Moreover, he promotes the ordination of feminists and lesbians as deacons and, consequently, as priests. You live in a time when the pseudo Pope has prepared German and Belgian models to legalize the marriages of sodomites as well as queer couples, including even marriages between humans and animals. God warns that it carries the punishment of temporal (2Pe 2:6) and eternal (Jud 1:7) fire! In addition, Bergoglio intends to implement a model of so-called Mayan Mass associated with pagan idolatry. Can such a Mass be valid? Will it not be a blasphemy and mockery of the mystery of Christ’s redemptive death on the cross?
Apparently, the Bergoglian sect will soon impose this crime on everyone, chanting like a mantra the phrases about obedience to the Holy Father who does not obey God and is dedicated to Satan – and stops at nothing in promoting Satan’s agenda.
What is at stake now is the existence of the Catholic Church, which has been under a multiple curse like under a dark cloud. True Catholic shepherds are kept in fear and darkness.
Dear Catholics of India, the whole true Catholic world is looking at you in this dramatic time with the great hope that you will break away from the traitorous and invalid Pope. This will be a breakthrough, and it will set a precedent for every nation. The faithful sheep of Christ will then be united to their shepherds and follow your saving step out of the slavery of Bergoglio’s Babylon.
May the Mother of God, who stood by the cross, pray for you that you may be faithful to her Son even at the cost of persecution or martyrdom.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

21 August 2023

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