Boy Says Pledge Of Allegiance To Flag At Doorstep

7 years ago

One boy in Draper, Utah, did something completely unexpected when he thought no one was watching and his parents are in awe. While passing by a friend’ house, 8-year-old Wyatt Warner stopped his motorbike in front of the American flag that was waiving in the wind outside and pledged his allegiance!

Usually the Pledge of Allegiance is recited in every morning schools as a lesson in patriotism. They also recite it before important events or sports games. This was just a play date. Still, Wyatt took it very seriously.

The boy stopped before the front front door, turned off his bike’s engine, and in a very impromptu manner, places his hand on his heart to recipe the Pledge. His mom Jami says that, as far as she is aware of, her son doesn’t pledge allegiance anywhere other than the regular places, like school or events. It seems that something lingers behind when you teach a child something. Not everything goes in one year and out the other!

Mike Baird, the owner of the footage, posted this video on his Facebook profile, with the following caption included:

“The video is heart-warming and encouraging... but it's the story behind the story that must be considered... Where did he learn such respect? Where were these ideals taught? Who is he emulating? What am I teaching through word and example in my home?...I stand humbly and salute this father and young man Wyatt... May we stand tall! May we live and be worthy of the freedom granted. How blessed we are!”

The boy’s mom also said: "Wyatt went to a friend’s house and they had a video recorder on their doorbell. He stopped the second he saw the flag and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. He then rang the doorbell and then looked at the flag and gazed at it for about 5 seconds.

“My neighbor then sent me the video. He had no idea anyone would even see him. He does push ups every night while my husband watches the news. He was very upset to see Isis burning the American Flag. My husband explained to him what the flag stands for and he seemed very interested. He also says the Pledge in school every morning. He is such a great kid." She sounds so proud of her boy.

We did not doubt that for a second. Good job, Wyatt!

Speaking of acts of patriotism, how well do you know the lyrics to the national anthem? One tiny tot would make even the most seasoned of singers blush like a pepper with her singing and the perfect knowledge of the lyrics for The Star-Spangled Banner!

Maddy Dellaca might be barely 2 years of age, but she knows every word of the national anthem by heart! In this teeth-rotting cute video, Maddy climbs on a kiddie stool and starts belting out The Star Spangled Banner into her kiddie microphone. She gets nearly the entire song right, but in the heat of the moment she loses her balance and almost topples off her stage. Nothing a little “whoopsie-daisy” can’t fix, so she shows how unfazed she is by that mishap and continues singing with even more vigor!

Maddy lives in De Moines, Iowa with mom Chelsea, dad Andy and her three-year-old brother Drew. This clip is courtesy to mom, who says that the tiny singer started singing the national anthem with her brother in their room and she just couldn’t let it slide without filming it.

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