Laurie - How About YOU And YOUR CREW - Just Leave ME Alone! #1PartyRecordingState

1 year ago

dont try and trade paint with me, Then Fire At me With PrEdward and Spamgla G and Kim And Tweechie - and then when i say Im gonna fire back at ya, and you say go for it- then dont get all bent out of shape when I Do. I Was Recording In a 1 Party State Laurie, and I suspected I was talking to an Informant trying to work me over, AND you did later, i let it go - till now when you wanted to fire off at me in BB's Chat and then with PrEdward. SO I FIRED BACK. Deal With It... OH YEAH, ITS ON THE STREAM ON Preddie Eddies Channel, You did a stream, and then TOOK IT DOWN. Quit Lying on me... And QUIT Saying I shamed a VICTIM, when you dont care enough anyways.... Im glad "No ONE" Likes Me Laurie, You and ur crew shouldnt of messed with me in the first place.

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