Mother buffalo saves her calf from the leopard

1 year ago

Buffalo have killed more hunters in Africa than any other animal. The African buffalo has gained a reputation as one of the most dangerous land animals in Africa. Buffaloes have a silent and robust character. They dislike those who interrupt their daily routine and have been known to take revenge on others. Buffalo have been recorded attacking someone years after being threatened by them. Another reason they are known to be so dangerous is that they ambush their prey without giving any warning signs. Generally, buffalo can mate throughout the year, but some populations show seasonal mating patterns, usually after the rainy season. Of all the members of the bovid family, buffalo have the longest gestation period - ranging from 300 to 340 days. Often they only give birth to one calf every two years, but sometimes twins can occur. Female buffalo suckle their calves for 6 to 9 months. During this period, females are always on the alert and any danger that tries to approach their offspring will attack them, even if it costs their own lives. As shown in this video that shows the moment a leopard attacks the calf of a buffalo mother who does not let it go and fights back. The leopard took the cub and dragged him away, but the mother buffalo followed and headbutted the cat, which released the cub and fled. For this reason buffalo have earned the reputation of being one of the most dangerous land animals in Africa.

#Buffalo #Leopard

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